Respiratory Program
Shortly after opening Providence Health Care to the public in 2012, the team saw a need in the Wabash Valley for a high-quality Respiratory Program. In 2014 we became the only ventilator capable nursing facility in Southern Indiana. The Respiratory Program has since grown to a 10 bed Medicare and Medicaid certified unit. Each room in our Respiratory Unit is an individual suite to allow for a peaceful and private healing experience.
Respiratory Program Team
Our respiratory program is staffed with a team of respiratory therapists, respiratory trained nurses and certified nursing assistants, and is overseen by a certified Internal Medicine Pulmonologist and a Respiratory Therapy Manager.
Beyond the logistics and training, the Providence Health Care Respiratory Program has become more than a top-notch medical program. Over the years, as the equipment and unit have grown, our team members have as well. Each understands the deep need our patients have for mental and spiritual care, along with their physical care.
Community and Family Bond
Those who come to live in our Respiratory Community become like family. Some stay for a short time, while others live out the duration of their lives with us. They are mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, daughters and sons. Each and every patient that enters our doors is a person, with their own individual needs, and each and every patient that leaves our community leaves with their own story. Their own experience. An experience that we at PHC are blessed to be a part of.
One of our most recent “experiences” is Donnie. Donnie is a patient in our Respiratory Community, who is about to start a new chapter of his life as he returns home with his mom and dad. Donnie has been part of our PHC family since this past summer. Everyone quickly took a strong liking to him and his cheerful personality. He became an inspiration to many of us as he continued to fight for the strength and health to return home.
As Donnie warmed up to each of us, we all began to learn little things about him. I learned that he loves South Park. I don’t quite understand why, but he finds it hilarious. John, one of our maintenance men, learned that Donnie is a Steelers fan. John is a fan of a different team and they take great pleasure in picking at each other each Monday following a game. Joni, our Respiratory Therapy Manager, has learned that Donnie loves rap music. I am not sure if he has got her to rap any songs yet, but with his sweet smile, I wouldn’t say it’s out of the question.
Learning these interests and quirks led to so much more than just physical healing during Donnie’s stay with us. The best example that comes to mind is when John suggested reaching out to the Steelers Organization and telling them about Donnie being one of their biggest fans. Once the Steelers received our letter, they mailed Donnie an autographed picture of Cameron Heyward in return! John gave the picture to Donnie, explained the story, and hung the picture in his room. The joy on Donnie’s face when he realized the Pittsburg Steelers actually signed and sent something to him…well it left us speechless!
The PHC Experience
Another “experience” that comes to mind is Jasper. Jasper is a patient in our community and has been a resident at PHC since the summer of 2019. Thanks to our portable ventilator capabilities, Jasper is able to move about the community freely (aside from current COVID restrictions) in addition to spending time outside on the grounds at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Let’s not forget Robin, who you can often times find in her room watching SpongeBob, her favorite show, or being read a story by one of the team members. If you walk past her room in the morning, you might even be lucky enough to hear the sounds of Eunice and Amy, our Assistant Director of Nursing and Unit Manager, singing Robin some of her favorite songs.
Looking at each of these people, their needs, desires, backgrounds, and futures, the little things that bring them joy: those are the things that make PHC’s Respiratory Program, and entire community, unique. Those are the little things that help with more than just physical healing. The daily bantering about football, walks outside, favorite cartoon shows, story times, and off-key singing, are the Providence Health Care Experience.
How to Contact the Respiratory Program?
If you would like to learn more about our Respiratory Program, please contact Joni Cazee, Respiratory Therapy Manager, at 812-535-1056 or via email, You can also find more information on our Respiratory Program page.
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